Remark: The so-called "calliphyllum bank" is often mentioned in this context and can also always be found in the outcrops. It is a striking accumulation of ammonites of the genus Psiloceras (v.a. P. calliphyllum).
However, this "bench" is not always lithostratigraphically constant. It can be contained in the grey limestone of the Breitenberg Subformation or in the colourful Schnöllkalk, depending on the thickness of the respective outcrop.
Therefore, the term should not be used lithostratigraphically.

Grey limestones and marls in alternating layers. The uppermost benches are often very calcareous and clearly visible as an elevation in the terrain. The sequence ends with the so-called T-bank, which is bitumen-rich at the top.

Grey and brown mudstones and marls at the bottom, increasingly sandy towards the top with intercalated limestone beds.

Total thickness: approx. 23m

As a special feature, characteristic red-brown clay marls occur near the base, which are called Schattwald-beds (about 3 m in the Karwendel Mountains).

Approx. 6m above the base of the Tiefengraben Subformation, the Triassic/Jurassic boundary is defined at the Kuhjoch (cf. HILLEBRANDT et al. 2013).

Grey micritic limestones without intermediate marl layers, often only one or a few benches.

Thickness 0.1-2m

They are red, brown, ochre limestones, very often with strong enrichment of iron oxide in the form of crusts and impregnations.

Charakteristisch ist ein sehr eisenreicher, ockerfarbener Kalk, der auch als „Enzesfelder Kalk“ im weiteren Sinn bezeichnet wurde.

Der Schnöllkalk kann sparitisch oder mikritisch augebildet sein und endet immer mit einer durchgehenden Eisenkruste („marmoreum-Kruste“).

Characteristic features at the top are iron-encrusted rock clasts, ammonite nodules, generally a colourful mixture of various redeposited rock components.

The limestone is formed in all outcrops and is 0.1 to 2m thick.

The marmoreum crust is always followed by a micritic red to reddish brown limestone containing iron oxide in the form of concretions. These concretions can vary in size and frequency. They are a few mm to 20 cm in diameter. Often the rock is speckled with them.

Thickness: 0.2-2m

Above the Lienbach Subformation, the red nodular limestone of the Lias (Adneter Limestone) almost always follows.

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    hettangian ammonites

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